SwachaGraha begins with your pledge, to start your journey with 3 Green Spots - Green Spots that will keep your home and city clean thereby addressing one of the biggest societal issues of our time.
Green Spot is all we need - The journey of the 3 Green spots is a guided discovery to transforming mundane daily activities into the power of influence of the green spot. The green spot is in your home, your garden, your dining table and it redefines what you throw, what you grow and what you eat.
The SwachaGraha campaign is a platform to create a movement, through a collaborative approach between Civil Society organisations(CSOs), Citizens, Organisations, Corporates and the Government to the burgeoning problem of Solid waste.
Watch the film on Swachagraha campaign https://youtu.be/uekq0mTKqaw www.swachagraha.in
Take the pledge and start a Green Spot